By James S. Robbins
November 14, 2015
James Robbins is a commentary writer for USA Today. His expertise is in national security, and foreign and military affairs from his experiences as the former special assistant in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and today, the Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs on the American Foreign Policy Council. Robbins has many sources on major national security issues, including the recent Paris attacks and activities of the Islamic State. By asking rhetorical questions and logical argumentation, Robbins calls for the public to agree with his critical review of the White House administration’s policy in dealing with ISIS.
In order to get his audience thinking, Robbins asks several questions about what the White House believes caused the Paris attacks, and what is, to Robbins, obviously the true cause. He writes, “What will the White House say caused the terrorist massacre in Paris? Will it be lack of job opportunities for an at-risk population? Will it be outrage over an offensive YouTube video? Or maybe… practical national security effects of global warming? Whatever the administration says… they will never blame radical Islam,” (para. 1). By asking the audience to develop their own opinion, Robbins instills a sense of responsibility in his readers to put their faith in the White House; however, by ending with “never” is a letdown and creates a sense that the administration is acting illogically.
Robbins also presents a logical argument to bring his audience onto his side and put the blame on the Islamic State. He states that ISIS has already claimed credit for the attacks, but President Obama is quoted being in denial of the Islamic State’s threats (para. 2) and focusing on insignificant progress (para. 3). Robbins also cites, “ISIS threatened to send 500,000 refugees to Europe to sow chaos… there have been over 700,000 asylum claims… but recent experience has shown—whether in Paris, Madrid, London, Boston, or with the 9/11 attacks—that it only takes a small number of committed terrorists to wreak havoc” (para. 3). Making appeals to both logos and pathos, Robbins reminds readers of how terrifying past attacks led by only a few terrorists have been. He concludes with “The Paris massacre shows that half-hearted attempts to degrade, contain, or diminish the jihadist threat are failing… we need a strategy to defeat and destroy… there is no substitute for victory” (para. 6). The author effectively ends with a call to action for his readers to realize and perhaps, help change the White House’s current methods to a more radical plan of action.
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